Urbach, Ephraim E.
Sefer Pitron Torah. A collection of Midrashim and Interpretations. Edited from a manuscript with introduction, annotations and indices


Urbach, Ephraim E. Sefer Pitron Torah. A collection of Midrashim and Interpretations. Edited from a manuscript with introduction, annotations and indices

Lieferzeit: 3-7 Werktage*

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Artikelnummer: M11211708 Kategorie:


Urbach, Ephraim E.
Sefer Pitron Torah. A collection of Midrashim and Interpretations. Edited from a manuscript with introduction, annotations and indices Jerusalem , Magnes Press, 1978. 415 S. Groß-8vo.
Originalkunstleder (Hardcover).
Sehr sauber und gut erhalten.
Sammelmidrasch zu Levitikus, Numeri und Deuteronomium. – Hebräischer Text
Bestellnummer: M11211708