Tillich, Paul – Parrella, Frederick J. (Ed.)
Paul Tillich’s Theological Legacy: Spirit and Community. International Paul Tillich Conference, New Harmony, 17-20 June 1993


Tillich, Paul – Parrella, Frederick J. (Ed.) Paul Tillich’s Theological Legacy: Spirit and Community. International Paul Tillich Conference, New Harmony, 17-20 June 1993

Lieferzeit: 3-7 Werktage*

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Artikelnummer: H05151030 Kategorie:


Tillich, Paul – Parrella, Frederick J. (Ed.)
Paul Tillich’s Theological Legacy: Spirit and Community. International Paul Tillich Conference, New Harmony, 17-20 June 1993 Berlin, De Gruyter, 1995. 23,185 S.
Originalleinen (Hardcover).
Sehr guter Zustand.

Bestellnummer: H05151030