The New Testament in the Greek Fathers. Konvolut aus drei Titeln: – Brooks, James A., The New Testament Text of Gregory of Nyssa. Atlanta 1991. 267 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels. Atlanta1986.287 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Gordon F. Fee und Michael W. Holmes, the Text of the Fourth Gospel in the Writings of Origen. Vol. 1. Altlanta 1992


The New Testament in the Greek Fathers. Konvolut aus drei Titeln: – Brooks, James A., The New Testament Text of Gregory of Nyssa. Atlanta 1991. 267 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels. Atlanta1986.287 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Gordon F. Fee und Michael W. Holmes, the Text of the Fourth Gospel in the Writings of Origen. Vol. 1. Altlanta 1992

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The New Testament in the Greek Fathers. Konvolut aus drei Titeln: – Brooks, James A., The New Testament Text of Gregory of Nyssa. Atlanta 1991. 267 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Didymus the Blind and the Text of the Gospels. Atlanta1986.287 S. – Ehrman, Bart D., Gordon F. Fee und Michael W. Holmes, the Text of the Fourth Gospel in the Writings of Origen. Vol. 1. Altlanta 1992
Originalbroschur (Softcover).
1 Band mit Widmung und einigen Flecken. Bd. 3,1 mit einigen dünne Bleistiftanstreichungen.

Bestellnummer: R12221473