Schwöbel, Christoph (Ed.)
Trinitarian Theology Today. Essays on Divine Being and Act. Ed. by C. Schwöbel for the Research Insitute in Systematic Theology Kings’s College, London


Schwöbel, Christoph (Ed.) Trinitarian Theology Today. Essays on Divine Being and Act. Ed. by C. Schwöbel for the Research Insitute in Systematic Theology Kings’s College, London

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Schwöbel, Christoph (Ed.)
Trinitarian Theology Today. Essays on Divine Being and Act. Ed. by C. Schwöbel for the Research Insitute in Systematic Theology Kings’s College, London Edinburgh, T & T Clark, 1995. 176 S.
Originalpappband (Hardcover).
Mit Schutzumschlag. Sauber und unbenutzt.

Bestellnummer: M02201437