Bauks, Michaela, Katharina Galor und Judith Hartenstein (Ed.)
Gender and Social Norms in Ancient Israel, Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Texts and material culture


Bauks, Michaela, Katharina Galor und Judith Hartenstein (Ed.) Gender and Social Norms in Ancient Israel, Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Texts and material culture

Lieferzeit: 3-7 Werktage*

1 vorrätig

Artikelnummer: M11231859 Kategorie:


Bauks, Michaela, Katharina Galor und Judith Hartenstein (Ed.)
Gender and Social Norms in Ancient Israel, Early Judaism and Early Christianity. Texts and material culture Göttingen, Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 2019. 382 S.
Mit zahlr. Abbildungen. Originalpappband (Hardcover).
Sauberes und unbenutztes Exemplar.

Bestellnummer: M11231859