Joosse, Nanne P. G.
The Sermon on the Mount in the Arabic Diatessaron. Diss. Amsterdam, , 1997. 18,428 S. 4to.
Originalbroschur (Softcover).
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Bestellnummer: R01231576
22,00 €
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Joosse, Nanne P. G. The Sermon on the Mount in the Arabic Diatessaron. Diss.
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Joosse, Nanne P. G.
The Sermon on the Mount in the Arabic Diatessaron. Diss. Amsterdam, , 1997. 18,428 S. 4to.
Originalbroschur (Softcover).
Widmung auf Vorsatz. Sehr sauberes Exemplar.
Bestellnummer: R01231576